freebsd sound system

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Tue Mar 10 01:30:45 PDT 2009

Quoting rasz <raszobbi at> (from Sat, 07 Mar 2009 14:59:53 +0000):

> besides that, i have run into a couple of issues which concern alsa,  
> particularly with two applications so far.
> one was a linux binary (renoise) which complained about missing  
> files/libs on first run, but got past that after i installed
> the alsa libs port (it failed on something else after, but that's  
> another story).
> the other program was rosegarden which i downloaded as source and  
> tried to build following the included instructions,
> however it does some checks to see if alsa (or what version) is  
> installed. so after first fail, i commented out that part from the  
> makefile to see what happens, which only produced a fail later on.
> so for the long run, my real question is this; would it be possible,  
> and how easy is it, to have some kind of dummy alsa package  
> installed? or is that a bad idea? it wouldn't need to be functional,

There's an ALSA -> OSS wrapper from 4Front, but AFAIK it is not  
maintained (and not in the ports collection, as nobody took the time  
to add necessary stuff to our OSS implementation).

> just present for any application that requires it to build or  
> install, since eventually it seems that these apps can use jack in  
> any case, which in turn would be using whatever is actually available.

I think this would not be good, as an application would assume ALSA  
works if it is present, and an user (specially those switching from  
linux) may be very confused too, if it is present but does not work.

> on another note, does anyone know how old or active the info on the  
> following site is?

There's not much activity. For MIDI everything is correct. For HDA,  
there may be some changes needed (it has seen a lot of development  
recently). For the rest it should at least be 99% correct.



	Plans to "Eat it later"    Alexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7       netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137

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