faad/faac and drm

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at cox.net
Wed Nov 14 10:03:31 PST 2007

On Wed, 14 Nov 2007 08:58:30 -0600, Michael Johnson <ahze at ahze.net> wrote:

> On Nov 13, 2007, at 3:33 PM, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
>> On Sat, 10 Nov 2007 16:44:47 -0600, Wes Morgan <morganw at chemikals.org>  
>> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 10 Nov 2007, Peter Schuller wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> multimedia at freebsd.org is MAINTAINER of faad/faac, hence I am asking  
>>>> here.
>>>> audio/faac produces .aac files that are not playable with mplayer,  
>>>> nor even
>>>> decodeable with faad. Disabling drm in faac makes it playable with  
>>>> mplayer,
>>>> but still not decodeable with faad unless drm is disabled in faad too.
>>>> Both ports have explicitly enabled drm by a CONFIGURE_ARGS addition.
>>>> With DRM they won't play/decode with:
>>>> Error: Bitstream value not allowed by specification
>>>> Is there some reason why the ports have drm enabled? Given that it's  
>>>> not
>>>> tunable, would it not be a better default to not have it enabled?  
>>>> Under what circumstances does anyone really want the drm stuff anyway?
>> Good question, I have no idea why ahze has put drm enabled by default.  
>> I will have to ask him. It's a bit hard for him to use computer at the  
>> moment with his broke finger with bracket from hand to arm. :-)
> I added it in 2004 because it was used in the .spec file included with  
> faad. no other reason. I see this problem also
> with some profiles (LC-mpeg2) of faac. I say get rid of it --enable-drm  
> since its causing problems now.

I have committed faac/faad to remove drm with portmgr's approve.


>> I think that --enable-drm is Digital Radio Mondiale, not Digital Rights  
>> Management. I didn't check in there thought.
>>> I think I saw a thread earlier this week about faac 1.26 being broken.  
>>> Try downgrading to 1.25.
>> Why downgrade if you can get faad/faac works when you disable drm? ;-)
>> Cheers,
>> Mezz

mezz7 at cox.net  -  mezz at FreeBSD.org
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