Fishing: Any problems with bktr and amd64 v 6.0? I get page

Robert Krten root at
Thu Apr 13 23:16:05 UTC 2006

Danny Pansters sez...
> > Also, I sometimes get the wrong fields (I'm not sure of the order, but
> > let's say the even frame from one field and the odd frame from the next
> > field, which leads to interesting "jittering" effects when displayed on
> > an interlaced monitor).
> >
> > What should I be using?  The ring-buffer one, and just fish out the samples
> > as I need them?  Any hints on synchronizing with tuning?
> You may wanna look at how camserve does it (it's in ports). I haven't looked 
> at its code myself, but it produces single images.

Thanks, I'll take a look!

[re: crashing problem]
> > However, I did "fix" (more accurately, "work around") the problems
> > that I had -- capturing with YUV_PLANAR mode does not crash my system,
> > so I am now happy and consider the problem "solved" (until I get to
> > the next crash) :-)
> >
> YUV_PLANAR, maybe also PACKED are "native" to the hardware (and produce nicer 
> images). So, yeah, it sounds like RGB ticks something off on your system, I 
> do know that 32 bits RGB is a bit of kludge (its actually 24) in bktr, and 
> maybe this isnt well taken on your amd64 box. Does fxtv run (with rgb)?

FXTV runs just fine, for short periods of time (I don't have an X display on the
amd64 box, so I run fxtv over the network to a different box's X display.  Not
the fastest :-)).

However, I don't know that FXTV runs in RGB vs YUV mode...  I'd have to look at
the code.

Anyway, it works, I'm happy :-)


Robert Krten, PARSE Software Devices Join us at BSDCan 2006, see
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