Samsung Digimax 200

netgeek at netgeek at
Fri Jun 20 10:17:57 PDT 2003

I emailed a while back about a Samsung Digimax 200 but never gave enough information to be helpful. Basically, it's not working. Am I making a stupid mistake or is there a problem with this camera?

uname -a:
FreeBSD pi.localdomain 5.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE #0: Mon Jun 16 18:30:55 EDT 2003     root at pi.localdomain:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/PI  i386

significant part of dmesg:
umass1: vendor 0x0839 product 0x0005, rev 1.10/0.00, addr 2
umass1: Invalid CSW: sig 0x53425300 should be 0x53425355
umass1: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
umass1: Invalid CSW: sig 0x53425300 should be 0x53425355
umass1: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
umass1: Invalid CSW: sig 0x53425300 should be 0x53425355
umass1: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass1: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass1: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass1: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass1: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass1: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass1: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass1: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass1: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass1: at uhub0 port 1 (addr 2) disconnected
umass1: detached

Seems that the device wasn't detected; thus usbdevs and gphoto2 show nothing pertaining to the device.

Please CC responses to me.

Mike Burns netgee at

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