firefox much slower now

Joe Altman fj at
Thu Feb 19 08:09:23 PST 2004

On Wed, Feb 18, 2004 at 12:45:08PM -0800, Sean McNeil wrote:
> Has anyone else seen this?  After upgrading everything on a -CURRENT
> system with the new pthread library and ULE scheduler everything is ok
> unless multiple page loads are trying to happen.
> ebay pages tend to take a lot longer as well.  Almost like threads to
> load images are having trouble (are they threads?).  Also, seems like if
> I try to open another page in a tab (or just go to another web site)
> when it is still trying to load a bunch of images, then the new page
> will not be processed for a long time.
> This is all percieved performance.  I do not have any hard evidence.
> The only relevant thing in options I can think of is that "Open links in
> background" is set.
> Sean

I've stopped using it. I don't know what they did between the last
phoenix and firefox, but jeez...and for some reason, it seems to have
turned on the X bell. It is now the only app that causes the speaker
to beep, but I have no idea just does. Over and over and

Someone dial 911. My bling-bling was stolen and smuggled into Syria.

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