HEADS UP: pelase test /etc/libmap.conf feature on 4-stable

Simon Barner barner at in.tum.de
Thu Oct 9 10:42:17 PDT 2003


I tested your patch, and it worked, but I had to modify the following

Fetch libmapc. and libmap.h from the CVS repository (latest revisions).
Add libmap.c to SRC section in Makefile.

After these changes, I was able to compile a ld-elf.so with libmap

> libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3	liblstdc++.so.3
                               ^--- where is this file? I changed it to
                                    libstdc++.so.3, and it worked

I performed some tests with mozilla, and I ended up with exactly the
same results as I pointed out in this email:


Another result is that mozilla locks up after successfully showing almost
any of the flash plugins I tried (I afraid I cannot offer more details on
this issue at the present, but I am investigating it).

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