DotNet Core Source Build Questions

Tomas Weinfurt Tomas.Weinfurt at
Wed Sep 20 05:11:22 UTC 2017

I’ll take a look. Once you on path where it tries to install Tools it is bad. 
Please try src/Native/ directly. 


On 9/19/17, 10:07 PM, "Russell Haley" <russ.haley at> wrote:

    Hey Tomas,
    coreclr native parts built first time for me. I am trying to build the
    dotnet fx native parts and I'm still stalled out on Linux emulation
    errors. I have a question in the TrueOS forums and will poke around:
    Here is my build output:
    russellh at prescott:/storage/russellh/Git/corefx% ./ native
    Unsupported OS 'FreeBSD' detected. Downloading linux-x64 tools.
    Installing dotnet cli...
    Restoring BuildTools version 2.0.0-prerelease-01931-01...
    ELF interpreter /lib64/ not found, error 2
    /storage/russellh/Git/corefx/ line 142: 39789 Abort trap
                 $__DOTNET_CMD restore "$__INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT"
    --no-cache --packages $__PACKAGES_DIR --source $__BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE
    /p:BuildToolsPackageVersion=$__BUILD_TOOLS_PACKAGE_VERSION >>
    ERROR: Could not restore build tools correctly.
    Please check the detailed log that follows.
    Running: /storage/russellh/Git/corefx/
    Installing ''
    to '/storage/russellh/Git/corefx/Tools/dotnetcli/dotnet.tar'
    Running: /storage/russellh/Git/corefx/Tools/dotnetcli/dotnet restore
    "/storage/russellh/Git/corefx/init-tools.msbuild" --no-cache
    --packages /storage/russellh/Git/corefx/packages --source
    Initializing BuildTools...
    chmod: /storage/russellh/Git/corefx/packages/microsoft.dotnet.buildtools/2.0.0-prerelease-01931-01/lib/
    No such file or directory
    /storage/russellh/Git/corefx/ line 121:
    No such file or directory
    ERROR: An error occurred when trying to initialize the tools.
    Please check the detailed log that follows.
    Running: /storage/russellh/Git/corefx/
    Installing ''
    to '/storage/russellh/Git/corefx/Tools/dotnetcli/dotnet.tar'
    Running: /storage/russellh/Git/corefx/Tools/dotnetcli/dotnet restore
    "/storage/russellh/Git/corefx/init-tools.msbuild" --no-cache
    --packages /storage/russellh/Git/corefx/packages --source
    Running: /storage/russellh/Git/corefx/packages/microsoft.dotnet.buildtools/2.0.0-prerelease-01931-01/lib/
    russellh at prescott:/storage/russellh/Git/corefx%
    I tried building the mscorelib in monodevelop (and also tried xbuild)
    but got the following error:
    Error: /storage/russellh/Git/coreclr/src/mscorlib/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj:
    /storage/russellh/Git/coreclr/dir.targets: Project file could not be
    imported, it was being imported by
    /storage/russellh/Git/coreclr/dir.targets could not import
    "$(ToolsDir)/Build.Common.targets" (System.Private.CoreLib)x
    A quick search showed something about wrong framework version. I
    wonder if I should ping off the Xamarina/Mono team?

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