Latest MonoDevelop Progress

Romain Tartière romain at
Sat Aug 20 09:35:38 UTC 2016

On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 11:15:59PM -0700, Russell Haley wrote:
> Success!
> I was able to build monodevelop from master by including the correct
> PCLs (links below, thanks Romain!) and applying the small git diff
> attached. I created a default console project in MD and ran it, but
> that's as far as I took my exploration (so far).

> So, about that "patch".  I basically just hacked something out of a
> file in a language i know nothing about. It seemed trivial enough
> (someones not going to get a popup)? I don't use fsharp so....

If you are checking out from git, there are broken things from time to
time…  You can try to revert to a previous commit or pull new commits
when that happens.  I had to do that 2 or 3 times.

> Anyway, I'm going to enjoy my small irrelevant victory. Cheers!

Not that small and irrelevant ;-)

So now, we are at least two able to run recent monodevelop on FreeBSD,
and probably you have more knowledge of .NET than me :-)

> Romains zip. I haven't tested it yet, but it unzips fine.
> tar I created using 7zip.

It's not Romain's zip, it's Romain's mirror of Xamarin zip ;-) (but who
can prove it?  Well, at least I say so…) I guess we should compare these
two with

I have no clear idea about what is this 'reference assemblies' thing
(the .Net ecosystems is too much close to Windows for me to understand
it and how things link together I guess).  Can somebody explain me what
they are?  Is there any way to build them from source on FreeBSD (I
could not find anything related to reference assemblies source on the
web)?  This would allow us to have them as an auditable ports in the
FreeBSD ports tree (ports of binary blobs suck) and I think it could be
useful for projects other than Monodevelop?

Romain Tartière <romain at>
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