GPRS/UMTS device for a FreeBSD notebook ?

tom at tom at
Fri May 27 18:27:26 UTC 2011

Hi Mike,

> Support in RELENG_8 is pretty good for most things out there. If you
> want to use a mini-pcie card, 

yes, if, saying mini-pcie card, you mean a 34mm express card. 
I prefer these over USB, at least if there's a choice.

> the Sierra works well here in Rogers land.
>  Generally, I would stick with what your carrier provides since if you
> need support, they wont help you if the stick is not sold by them.  And
> I mean support as in, "hey, are you sure this SIM is active" kind of
> thing as opposed to help setting it up in Windows.

I need sort of a one-size-fits-all solution as I'll be hopping across a 
couple of western european countries: UK, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, 
France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain. I'd therefor prefer to have 
always the same device in use and just exchange the SIM when crossing 
borders (as roaming with only 1 SIM could make you a poor man). 

With the Option products I like the possibility to plugin external (better) 
antennas. Last year I noted the Option Globetrotter Express 441 was good, 
but now only the Option Globetrotter Express HSUPA seems to be available. 
Did not already check the other manufacturers (will have to do so of 

But first: How can I check whether or not a certain product / model will be 
supported by RELENG 8 ? Is there a list of devices anywhere hidden in RELENG 
8 ? And if so, where can I find it ?

kind regards

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