Sierra Wireless AirCard 555 drivers (?), and NDIS...

Amarendra Godbole amarendra.godbole at
Thu Mar 29 05:09:38 UTC 2007


This might be a slightly offtopic question - I have a bunch of Sierra
Wireless AirCard 555 driver/firmware files, and I am unable to figure
out which is the correct .inf file, or which are the remaining
firmware files. I could only recognize the driver, which had a .sys
extension. These files are: Air555.sys,,,
netac555.inf, MFAC555.INF, mdmac555.inf, None of the
.inf files give a clue as to which one really belongs to the .sys

Hence, I tried building the ko, using ndisgen utility, by specifying
.sys as the driver, and netac555.inf as the corresponding .inf files.
Then I specified all the remaining files  as additional firmware
files. ndisgen happily built the kernel object, and I was able to
insert it too... device appeared, no nothing in the syslog too! This
leaves me wondering if I specified the incorrect files...

Does anyone have an idea as to which will be the correct .inf file,
and which are the firmware files? I'd appreciate help here, I can also
send these file offlist for inspection. Thanks in advance!


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