ndis 64-bit Broadcom 4318 on a Compaq R4125

Graham Bakay graham at bitmap.net
Wed Nov 16 20:35:11 PST 2005

>>Hi there,
>>I'm trying to get ndis working with a 64-bit wireless driver on FreeBSD 
>>6.0 amd64. The windows driver works using ndis on Ubuntu.
>>I've used ndisgen to create the kernel module. When I try to load it, I 
>>get the following:
>>no match for RtlZeroMemory
>>no match for RtlCopyMemory
>>ntoskrnl dummy called...
>>ndis0: <Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter> mem 0xb0204000-0xb0205fff irq 
>>21 at device 2.0 on pci3
>>ndis0: NDIS API version: 5.1
>>ntoskrnl dummy called...
>>ntoskrnl dummy called...
>>[repeats multiple times]
>>fpudna in kernel mode!
>>[repeats multiple times]
>>ntoskrnl dummy called...
>>ntoskrnl dummy called...
>>ndis0: NDIS ERROR: c000138d (unknown error)
>>ndis0: init handler failed
>>device_attach: ndis0 attach returned 6
>>Is there anything I can do to get this working in FreeBSD? Or is it just 
>>an incompatibility that I'll have to live with?
>Get the latest copies of the files in src/sys/compat/ndis and
>src/sys/dev/if_ndis from the RELENG_6 branch. Note: you do _NOT_ have
>to update your entire system, just the files in these directories.
>The quickest way to do this is probably with anoncvs:
>% setenv CVSROOT anoncvs at anoncvs1.FreeBSD.org:/home/ncvs
>% cvs checkout -rRELENG_6 src/sys/compat/ndis src/sys/dev/if_ndis
>You can also use a mirror if you're outside the US. See
>for a list.
>Copy the files to src/sys/compat/ndis and src/sys/dev/if_ndis,
>then rebuild ndis.ko and if_ndis.ko:
># cd /sys/modules/ndis
># make; make install
># cd /sus/modules/if_ndis
># make; make install
>It should work then. I've been using the same driver on my dual Opteron
>amd64 box at home for the past week and it's been very stable
>(in SMP mode even):
>Nov  9 18:16:59 opteron kernel: ndis0: <Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter> mem 0xe0210000-0xe0211fff irq 31 at device 1.0 on pci3
>Nov  9 18:16:59 opteron kernel: ndis0: NDIS API version: 5.1
>Nov  9 18:16:59 opteron kernel: fpudna in kernel mode!
>Nov  9 18:17:01 opteron kernel: ndis0: Ethernet address: 00:30:bd:f5:ea:26
>[/var/log]:opteron.moo.com{41}% uname -srm
>FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE amd64
>[/var/log]:opteron.moo.com{42}% uptime
>11:20AM  up 6 days, 17:06, 14 users, load averages: 1.81, 1.52, 1.43
>Note that the "fpudna in kernel mode!" message will still show up even
>after you fix ndis.ko and if_ndis.ko, but the interface will work anyway.
>The messages appear to be harmless for now.
No luck. I still get the same problem. Any other suggestions? I'm 
thinking I may try installing i386 on the laptop, since HP has 32-bit 
driver for the card (the driver I've been using is the one used by the 
Acer Ferrari, and worked in Linux).


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