WPA on laptops running FreeBSD 5.3?

Eric Masson e-masson at kisoft-services.com
Sat Feb 5 14:30:07 PST 2005

>>>>> "Sam" == Sam Leffler <sam at errno.com> writes:


 Sam> A search of the archives would show: "no, it cannot be done
 Sam> because doing so would alter api's that are frozen for the life of
 Sam> 5.x".

A little hijack of this thread to thank you for your work on wireless
support in FreeBSD.

net80211, ath & wpa_supplicant have worked really fine for me this week
as it allowed me to test an Atheros based card (Planet WL-3560) in
wpa-psk setup (The root problem in my case ended to be the crappy
windows driver bundled with the card)

Do you know if there's any plan to convert an(4) and wi(4) to the new
net80211 capabilities (wpa and so on) ?

Éric Masson

 Depuis ce matin, j'ai une IP en 213.@@@.@@@ et des plumes.
 C'est devenu apparement une IP statique.
 Mon contrat me donne droit à une IP dynamique..
 -+- TW in <http://www.le-gnu.net> : Neuneu se fixe -+-

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