XFree86 & ACPI don't like each other?

Dave Tweten tweten at nas.nasa.gov
Mon Apr 26 17:06:49 PDT 2004

snow at teardrop.org said:
>I've recently joined the freebsd-mobile world with 5.2.1 on an IBM
>ThinkPad T22.

I use a T23, and my FreeBSD is 4.x, recent STABLE.

>.. X and ACPI don't seem to get along very well. If I boot with ACPI, X
>will sometimes hang when starting or stopping. Doesn't appear to be very
>consistent or predictable, but I can't get through more than 1 clean start
>and stop of X without it locking the machine up solid.

>... I was wondering if any other T-series ThinkPad users have seen
>something like this?

That's one reason why I haven't switched to FreeBSD 5 yet.

Under STABLE, the only XFree86 vs. power management problem comes with 
hibernation.  When my T23 wakes up after hibernation, XFree86 is frozen.  
I have to switch to an ASCII console (ctrl-alt-f1) and back to X (alt-f12) 
to get it to limber up.  If the hibernation is manual rather than 
automatic, I can transition to ASCII console first before hibernating, and 
there is no wake-up freeze, but automatic because of flat battery is the 
usual reason to hibernate.
M/S 258-5                    |1024-bit PGP fingerprint:|tweten at nas.nasa.gov
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Not an official NASA position.  You can't even be certain who sent this!

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