multiple DHCP interfaces

Dan Pelleg daniel+bsd at
Fri Jun 13 14:05:57 PDT 2003

Jesse Guardiani <jesse at> wrote:
> Also, is there a way to configure freebsd to
> do DHCP negotiations in the background on system
> boot?
> If my wired 10/100 isn't plugged in, I really
> don't want to wait while the DHCP requests time
> out. Sure, I can just press CTRL+c and have done
> with it, but that requires me to actually do some
> manual labor. I'd rather automate the process. :)
> Same goes for the wireless link when there isn't
> an AP around...

Have a look at the "Wireless" section of this page:

It discusses two alternative approaches. I stopped using the
patch a while ago, since I am happy with nicmond. Also, the nicmond port
was committed very recently (though with nothing but my poor
Babelfish-aided translation of the japanese manpages). It should work
fairly easily though. Note I never used it on wireless interfaces.

  Dan Pelleg

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