TP-Link 1043ND - its tme :)

Warner Losh imp at
Thu Aug 29 22:06:52 UTC 2013

> [mktplinkfw] *** error: rootfs image is too big

OK. This isn't for root image, but to make the uncompressed kernel ~685k smaller. So maybe 200k smaller after compression.

basically it does EXTRA_FLAGS+=-fno-inline -Wno-inline -Os -Wno-strict-aliasing while setting the inline limit to 0 and adding some libkern functions that need it. Plus adding the canonical MUTEX/RWLOCK/SX_NOINLINE options.

   text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
3598994 270588	 153056	4022638 3d616e	kernel.debug	with patch
4285106 270632 153056 4708794 47d9ba kernel.debug		built without



P.S. Don't have this hardware, so no test boots.

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