How to compile and install Freebsd to Routerstation PRO

Juli Mallett jmallett at
Sun Apr 1 21:18:31 UTC 2012

Hi Jan,

Do you want to boot the RS Pro from network, or from NAND?  If from
network, there are probably instructions elsewhere that would be more
useful, and hopefully someone else knows where to link to (I don't.)

If you want to boot from NAND, things get a little tricky.  FreeBSD
doesn't have usable NAND support yet, so you'll have to boot Linux to
copy the kernel to NAND flash, and you'll have to erase NAND from the
bootloader before doing that otherwise Linux may place the FreeBSD
kernel outside of the range that RouterBOOT is willing to read from.
Also, you kernel has to be under 4MB big for the same reason.

If you can get that all sorted out (and I'm happy to help you if this
isn't too daunting) you'll need to use the patches Patrick Kelsey
posted recently to add MMC support on SPI buses to keep your root file
system on an SD card.

It's kind of a pain right now, and I haven't included detailed
instructions here because this all is in a bit of a state of flux
right now.  Someone should be committing Patrick's MMC driver soon
(I'll likely do it if nobody else does) and then NAND support should
be improving in the near future.  It may be that in the very near
future it will be possible to simply netboot a kernel with a
compiled-in root filesystem that then installs the kernel and root
filesystem for you, but for now it's a lot of work piecing together a
working NAND setup, and then using makefs to create a big-endian
filesystem and put it on an SD card.  If you want to give it a shot
right now, do let me know, and I'll gather up the more detailed
instructions I have and post them to the list.


On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 11:58, Jan Augusta <jan.augusta at> wrote:
> Hello,
> can anybody give me a manual how to compile and install Freebsd to Routerstation PRO?
> Thanks
> Jan
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