arge problem on MR3420

Warner Losh imp at
Sat Dec 31 18:08:09 UTC 2011

On Dec 31, 2011, at 9:06 AM, Adrian Chadd wrote:

> On 31 December 2011 08:03, Stefan Bethke <stb at> wrote:
>>> How about adding a printf() to arge_start_locked() and arge_encap(),
>>> see if they're constantly being called.
>> I'll do that next year :-)
> :) take your time.
>> I believe the BOOTP code starts before timers are running, would that affect things?
> DELAY and pause() should still be working though, iirc. I know because
> DELAY() works fine during ath_hal probe/attach routines.

Maybe using bootp in the boot loader will cause things to be setup differently in the hardware that our current code doesn't expect?

DELAY is fine, since it is a busy wait.  pause/tsleep, however, are nops before we start scheduling.


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