Resourceful BSD/Linux Network Administrator

Paul Robinson paul at
Sat Jul 3 13:19:06 PDT 2004

On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 07:30:16PM -0400, Tom Limoncelli wrote:

> The advert was, IMHO, perfect.  I've always wanted to say a lot of 
> those things in an advert.  All power to him!

Well, some see it that way, some think it's offensive. I know I wouldn't 
apply, and after my ranting, I doubt he'd want me - I'm obviously not 
subserviant enough to handle his god-complex.
> And don't pick on New Jersey, Paul.  

Actually, that was a very, very subtle joke picked out of an episode of 
Futurama. I've never been, so can't really comment on it.

> What part of the kernel magically makes FreeBSD people smarter, less 
> lazy, or better looking?

It's not the kernel. It's the attitude.

I've worked with slashdotters and MCSEs who've never seen the inside of a 
PC, never mind know what a rack server is. My own experience, I say FreeBSD 
guys just tend to be better admins for some reason. There must be something 
about the attitude of the project as a whole that rubs off or appeals to the 
better admins. I don't know. Yes, I'm being subjective and offensive to 
MCSEs and Linux guys, but no more so than the original poster was to us.

> I was impressed that he was concerned with people-skills.  It's easy 

Yeah, he's really shown how many he has himself hasn't he? :-)

> >We're FreeBSD admins. Not MCSEs or Linux admins.
> Don't brag.  They're paid more.

Speak for yourself.

Paul Robinson

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