looking for a job

Julian Stacey jhs at berklix.org
Mon Oct 20 12:21:37 PDT 2003

Denis Shaposhnikov wrote:
> My name is Denis Shaposhnikov. I'm looking for a job in EU (Germany is
> preferably) as a UNIX/FreeBSD system administrator and/or network
> administrator

Forget Germany - the economy is a disaster !
   Munich is probably the richest city in Germany, but I know too 
   many contractors who've left town, or left the country to get a
   job.  Chancellor Kohl first screwed the economy shackling the W
   & E German mismatched economies at a ratio of 1:1. It's got worse 
   ever since, German politicians now spend near all their time
   arguing (for years) how to reform (=increase) taxes, but spend
   virtually no time unburdening industry of the extra labour laws
   in this country that obstruct business.
   (I'm British, worked in Munich Germany since '85, London before that.)

Try some other countries in the EU that are doing better:
   UK: Didn't enter Euro zone even though they qualified,
       (& prime pushers France & Germany didn't qualify till
       they loosened their own Maastricht criteria!). Not shackled
       by stupid `social contract' restrictions Germany
       has long wanted to also burden UK with, so that Germany does
       not suffer `unfair competition' from UK, when/if UK
       ever joins Eurozone.
   Eire: recipient of heavy EU subsidies. Alternate english speaking 
       base for USA companies flying into Europe, instead of the
       normal first base but higher cost centre of UK/London/Heathrow
       airport & computer corridor West.  Irish Economy is booming.

If you speak Russian, also look at:
        Message-id: <20031007195359.GE238 at globcon.net>
        Subject: FreeBSD admins wanted in Moscow, Russia
        From: Sergei Kolobov <skolobov at chetwood.ru>
        Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 23:53:59 +0400

Julian Stacey       Freelance Systems Engineer, Unix & Net Consultant, Munich.

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