openjdk11- tomcat9- no ipv6

Max Peak max.peak at
Sun Mar 22 18:30:51 UTC 2020

Greetings freebsd-java gurus,

I am experiencing some difficulty with the freebsd-openjdk11 port. My 
setup is x86machine, freebsd12, tomcat9, openjdk11.

Tomcat listens to port 8443 for both tcp4 and tcp6 when using openJDK8. 
After a config change (../rc.d/tomcat9) to use openjdk11 instead, tomcat 
listens only for tcp4, not tcp6.

See freebsd *web and networking  services* forum, thread: *openjdk11- 
tomcat9- no ipv6* for more detail. Please let me know if there is 
anything I can do to help resolve this issue.

Also, I would be interested in a temporary workaround. While I need the 
OS to work dual-stack (which it does), I only need tomcat to work on tcp6.

Thank you for your much appreciated efforts,

Max Peak

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