OT: support for multicore javac?

Aryeh Friedman aryeh.friedman at gmail.com
Sat Jul 18 00:31:33 UTC 2020

I'm building eclipse, and invocations to javac seem to spread across
> multiple cores when building with multiple threads using openjdk11; at
> least that's what "top -H" tells me. I don't see what smart-javac
> brings to the table.

I don't use eclipse or any IDE and many people other users don't also.
All this is done by eclipse not the command line tools and people who work
with them need good support for them (see the README in sjavac...
https://github.com/weetmuts/sjavac ... as to the reasons for not using an
IDE see

Aryeh M. Friedman, Lead Developer, http://www.PetiteCloud.org

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