Call for Help: Java coders needed for phabricator-plugin

Craig Rodrigues rodrigc at
Sat Nov 7 22:06:57 UTC 2015


I've been working on some advanced scripting with Eitan Adler.
We are interested in experimenting with integrating Jenkins + Phabricator

We have gotten some basic things to work where we
can submit a patch in Phabricator Differential and have that
trigger a build action, with the results of this action being reported in
the Phabricator code review itself.

However, we need some help fixing a few things in the plugin itself.
I reported the issues in the Jenkins bug tracker here:

The main issues we want to fix are:
  (1)  plugin assumes checked out source code is at the root of
         the workspace instead of in a subirectory
  (2)  plugin has hardcoded logic unconditionally executing git commands

If we can use the Jenkins SCM API as much as possible
inside the plugin instead of raw git commands,
or we can conditionalize those commands only if the workspace is
git, that would be good.

Eitan hacked the plugin for our use just to get an initial thing working,
but those hacks are not upstreamable.

The phabricator-plugin is used in production at Uber ( ),
but the maintainer is very nice, and is willing to accept patches
to the plugin as long as it does not break his workflow at Uber.

In order to work on this, we need someone who knows Java,
Maven, and can work on stuff and upstream the patches
via GitHub.


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