[RFC] New Port: Eclipse Java Compiler, java/eclipse-ecj

Jason Helfman jgh at FreeBSD.org
Tue Mar 20 18:39:22 UTC 2012

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 12:29:57PM -0400, Jung-uk Kim thus spake:
>> I am unable to validate this with the jar that is built. Are you
>> able to get it to work?
>No, current port builds unusable ecj.jar. :-(

I am able to compile with it with no issue. What issues are you seeing?
>> >While you are at it, please add these:
>> >
>> >USE_ZIP=        yes
>> Why? It isn't a zip file, and why is this dependency required?
>A JAR file is essentially a ZIP file with additional meta-data, just
>like a FreeBSD package is a tarball with meta-data.
>% file /usr/local/openjdk6/jre/lib/rt.jar
>/usr/local/openjdk6/jre/lib/rt.jar: Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to
>If you are really concerned about the additiaonal build dependency,
>you may use jar but (bsd)tar is the worst choice.

Tar is completely valid for uncompressing zip archives.
>> >NO_WRKSUBDIR=   yes
>> Can't see why this would be an issue to put in.
>> >and remove these:
>> >
>> Why?  Otherwise, I need to put:
>That's because it is easier to read/maintain for maintainer(s),
>"FOO=yes" is easier to parse with scripts, it is the "official" ports
>way to handle this case, etc, etc...

Scripts can still parse and find both WRKDIR and WRKSRC in this port
regardless of the option I use. If BUILD_WRKSRC is not easier, why is it

I am also confused by this. What would I be setting to yes, to resolve this

># NO_WRKSUBDIR  - Assume port unpacks directly into ${WRKDIR}.

It does do this, and I have made this change, but haven't pushed it yet, as
I would like to work out the style issue first.
>> Seems silly when bpm supports a different BUILD worksource.
>I am sorry but I don't understand this because I don't use bpm.

I am referring to bsd.port.mk
>> >...
>> Why on these, as well? I'm not using zip, and zip is in different
>> locations based on different releases of the Operating System.
>Please see above.  Besides, what made you think bsdtar is available
>and able extract a JAR file on "different releases of the Operating
>System"? ;-)

There are instances of using zip that don't work on 7.x with jar files. I
have addressed this in a number of ports as a result of pointyhat failures.


Jason Helfman         | FreeBSD Committer
jgh at FreeBSD.org       | http://people.freebsd.org/~jgh

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