[RFC] New Port: Eclipse Java Compiler, java/eclipse-ecj

Jason Helfman jgh at FreeBSD.org
Mon Mar 19 22:00:27 UTC 2012

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 12:31:52PM -0700, Jason Helfman thus spake:
>On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 08:57:52AM -0700, Greg Lewis thus spake:
>>G'day Jason,
>>On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 11:02:25AM -0700, Jason Helfman wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> I was looking through this pr:
>>> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/151923
>>> And saw the final idea was to just build icedtea. I found one of the build
>>> requirements to be the the Eclipse Java Compiler, but didn't find this in
>>> the tree.
>>> I've used the ecj.jar for sometime now compiling outside of the Eclipse
>>> environment, and thought it would be a good idea to get this into the tree,
>>> if it isn't already there.
>>> I didn't see the compiler in the tree, and thought it could help in getting
>>> a final solution together for not just this pr, but I believe it would move
>>> along some other efforts, as well.
>>> If this does nothing at all, I would hope it just provides the bare minimum
>>> compiler.
>>> Attached is the shell archive of Eclipse Java Compiler. If there are no
>>> objections I was going to put this into the tree this week.
>>I'd like to see ECJ in the ports tree.
>>One question on the port.  It looks like it only installs ecj.jar.
>>Wouldn't it also be useful to install a script to run it?  I can certainly
>>manually type 'java -jar /usr/local/share/java/classes/ecj.jar -classpath
>>rt.jar Foo.java', but it would be simpler if there was an ecj script that
>>maybe just let me do 'ecj Foo.java'.  Is there a good reason not to write
>>such a script?
>I can't see of a reason to have that, however I can see a reason to at least
>have a package message to that affect. I'm not sure how to account for an
>unknown amount of arguments in a shell script, unless there is only ever
>going to be one argument? If the latter is the case, then including a shell
>script would be nice.
>How does this work?
>%%JAVA%% -jar %%JAVAJARDIR%%/%%PORTNAME%%.jar -classpath $1

I was able to get this to work:


%%JAVAC%% -classpath %%JAVAJARDIR%%/ecj.jar $1

I will put this through, and any changes can just be put through the pr

Thanks, Greg!
Jason Helfman         | FreeBSD Committer
jgh at FreeBSD.org       | http://people.freebsd.org/~jgh

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