Host for jdk16 distfiles?

Eirik Øverby ltning at
Fri Dec 26 08:09:31 UTC 2008


I have hosting facilities and resources to spare, but I could need  
help creating the click-through interface you're talking about. Can  
you be more specific about what will be required of (me/the pages)?


On Dec 26, 2008, at 07:30, Greg Lewis wrote:

> G'day all,
> As you may have noticed, Sun have removed the source files for  
> Update 3.
> I will contact Sun about this, but I expect they may well suggest we  
> should
> just switch to OpenJDK 6 and they have no plans for more JRL source
> releases.  While thats going on, we have two alternatives as I see it:
> 1. Someone could volunteer to host the source files.  To comply with  
> the
>   JRL you need to implement some kind of click through to have people
>   retrieve them.  I think this rules out me hosting them on the public
>   FreeBSD pages.
> 2. I could release a quick patchset which is essentially unchanged  
> except
>   that I do a diff against an earlier source release (which I notice  
> are
>   still available).  The patchset would include the changes to bring  
> that
>   source code up to Update 3, so it wouldn't matter what the source
>   version was.
> Comments?  Volunteers?
> -- 
> Greg Lewis                          Email   : glewis at
> Eyes Beyond                         Web     : http:// 
> Information Technology              FreeBSD : glewis at
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