Bug report for jkim's linux-sun-jdk-1.6

Jean-Baptiste Quenot jbq at caraldi.com
Wed May 16 09:28:29 UTC 2007


Thanks for providing linux-sun-jdk-1.6, it works well on i386 (see
my other post about amd64).

However a common problem that I encountered on both architectures
(i386 and amd64) under different FreeBSD versions (5.5-PRERELEASE
and 6.2-STABLE) is that files created by Java do not have the
correct permissions.

Example file with bad permissions:

--wS-wS---  1 jbq  wheel   294B 16 mai 11:10 /home/jbq/.m2/repository/org/jvnet/hudson/hudson/maven-metadata-local.xml

This reminds me of a problem I had with installing Gentoo on
FreeBSD, described here:

NOTE: this problem is specific to version 1.6 of the Linux JDK

NOTE 2: I'm not sending a PR as the port is not committed in
FreeBSD yet, I'm using the one from
     Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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