Q) eclipse 3.2 (Callisto)

Jean-Baptiste Quenot jbq at caraldi.com
Sun Jul 30 15:48:06 UTC 2006

* Yamada Ken Takeshi:

> I run through and found that "Eclipse Platflorm Plug-in Developer 
> Resources 3.2.0v20060909m-BBt47n6hlEUsvBO" under "Product Configulation" 
> gives 'Plug-in "org.eclipse.platform.source.freebsd.gtk.x86" version "3.1.1" 
> referenced by this feature is missing.'

This is because I intentionally left out the idReplacer patches
that we had previously.

$ grep -l idReplacer /usr/ports/java/eclipse/files/*

Basically the <eclipse.idReplacer> lines need patching.
     Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana Qwerty

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