Apache Tomcat crash on 6.1

Kurt Miller kurt at intricatesoftware.com
Thu Jul 6 13:14:34 UTC 2006

Hi Martijn,

On Wednesday 05 July 2006 5:28 pm, Martijn Veening wrote:
> Hi Kurt, thnx for suggestions,
> Indeed it seems that java process memory increases, although the reading
> is different from the tomcat manager reading. The size started at 450M
> (res 100M) and after 6 hours increased to 600M (res 160M). I can imagine
> that if that continues another 10 hours, the 1 Gb limit is reached
> causing crash.
> Tomcat however read lower memory-usage, but that will be memory within
> the JVM-reserved memory, which differs from the process-memory in
> FreeBSD (I presume).

Right, tomcat reported memory usage doesn't account for
memory the jvm uses in addition to the java object heap.

Hmmm, looking over the original bug report I don't see
-Xmx or -Xms arguments being used. Also, it could take
some time for the java process memory utilization to
stabilize. Even after it stabilizes there is some
fluctuation when full GC's occur.

For the sake of minimizing some of these issues, try
running tomcat with -Xmx250m -Xms250m so that all of
the java heap is allocated upfront and then look for
increasing java process memory usage after things

> Could it be a memory leak ? Or is this increase normal because it
> contains cached memory which can be freed when nescessary ?

I'm not sure yet if you've found a leak or not.

> And where could I see the diagnostic message for the malloc() function ?

The man page for malloc() says it goes to stderr.


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