ports: jdk13 vs diablo-jdk13

Michael E Mercer mmercer at nc.rr.com
Wed Sep 8 14:26:07 PDT 2004

If I understand it correctly, they are both the same as far as the
source is concerned. However diablo is FreeBSD's binary version that has
been "blessed" by SUN. The jdk13 port would actually compile the source
on your machine.


On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 17:13, Mark Van Orman wrote:
> Hi,
>     Would someone please explain to me the difference between jdk13 and diablo-jdk13. Why would I install one and not the other?
>     I couldn't find any online resources explaining the difference between the two ports.
> Regards and thanks,
> Mark Van Orman
> mark at icsaccess.com
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