1.4.2p6 build failure, build success and run problems

Achilleus Mantzios achill at matrix.gatewaynet.com
Fri Sep 3 06:10:04 PDT 2004

I think we definately have at least a -server problem  with gcc 3.4.2
I installed jdk1.4.2p6 on a 5.2.1-RELEASE spare machine.
It run -server fine.
I upgraded to RELENG_5 (5.3-BETA2).
It still run fine.
(As Panagiotis confirmed).
I did a fresh build of jdk1.4.2p6.
Now -server stalls as it does on my main dev machine.

It must be a gcc 3.4(.2) problem and i wouldnt be surprised
if this is the cause of eclipse failure too.

Maybe lang/gcc33 should be in BUILD_DEPENDS and used
instead of base's gcc3.4.2,
or else the problems must be resolved in less than 1 month :(


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