FreeBsdCrypt updated

Nick Johnson freebsd at
Wed Sep 1 18:10:37 PDT 2004

Alas, I don't have the time to make a proper port of this (but if someone
else wants to, please do feel free) but since there's an update and folks
may find this useful, I thought I'd mention it anyway.

FreeBsdCrypt can be found at .  This contains an
implementation of FreeBSD-style MD5 crypt, which many have found useful
when trying to integrate Java stuff with FreeBSD stuff, or migrating from
other languages to servlets, or whatever.

The jar contains all the API docs, source code, and the complied class.
Usage is pretty simple anyway:

	String result = FreeBsdCrypt.crypt("password", "salt");

The major change in this version is correcting the way the class name is
capitalized.  It needed to start with an uppercase letter since it's a
class name, and then Pascal-casing the rest of it.  Consensus on the web
seems to be that acronyms of 3 letters or more are to be Pascal-cased.


"The aptly-named is an obscenity-laced screed..."
	-- Robert P. Lockwood, Catholic League director of research
Nick Johnson, version 2.1                   

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