1.4.2p6 build failure, build success and run problems

Achilleus Mantzios achill at matrix.gatewaynet.com
Wed Sep 1 00:15:38 PDT 2004

Since 5.3-BETA2 has gcc3.4.2 as default and kse is now renamed to 
libpthread and libpthread is now default 
(entry 20040303,20040130 in UPDATING)
and since 5.3 is due on October, and since i got zero feedback
for this problem, and in case something is not completely
screwd up in my system,
i'd like to ask if someone runs 1.4.2p6 on a recently cvsup'd
-CURRENT (with libpthread,gcc34), using -server switch (e.g jboss), or 
happily using eclipse.

My intuition says this is not a threading lib problem.
Your feedback is invaluable.

(Note, i did MEM checks, CPU temp checks, DISK cheks,
and rebuilt world,kernel,cvsuped ports and rebuild jdk14
at least 3 times).


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