New port to review: jakarta-commons-daemon (maybe useful for tomcat)

Herve Quiroz herve.quiroz at
Wed Dec 22 10:18:38 PST 2004

Hi all,

Long ago, I tried to port Jakarta commons-daemon but I gave up as I
didn't have any application to test it with.

Now that we are working on Tomcat ports, and as I saw that Tomcat may be
controlled throught jsvc (from commons-daemon), I decided to give it
another try.

So here is a brand new version of the port. Install/deinstall targets
work and 'jsvc' will run. If someone is interested in either maintaining
this port or wish to contribute to it, please let me know.

Please note that I didn't tested the port to run anything, so it could
be broken I don't know. Just thought I could share it with the community
in case someone finds it useful.

BTW, it lacks a proper pkg-descr but I couldn't find anything to write
down on this utility... contributions are welcome :)


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