FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE + JDK1.4 native in a Jail -> hangs 99% cpu on kserel

Nick Johnson freebsd at
Mon Dec 13 08:08:59 PST 2004

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, Joris Verschoor wrote:

> Is there anything I can do to provide more information, for example a
> dump when it's stuck?

kill -3 on the Java process should cause it to do a thread/stack dump,
which may prove useful.

Another thing you can try is running java with -Xrunhprof:depth=8, though
note that this will have a significant impact to performance.  It will,
however, produce stack traces (of depth 8 in this case) for each thread
when you kill the JVM normally (not with kill -9).


"The aptly-named is an obscenity-laced screed..."
	-- Robert P. Lockwood, Catholic League director of research
Nick Johnson, version 2.1                   

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