FreeBSD Port: eclipse2.1.1_2

Tim Cleaver timcleaver at
Tue Sep 16 21:30:58 PDT 2003

To whom it may concern,

I have just recently attempted to install eclipse and am wondering why it 
requires so many out of date packages? jfc1.1.1 and jdk1.2 are no longer 
supported and actively maintained by Sun. I wish to develop using jdk1.4.2 
and it appears that this requires the linux abstraction layer in order to do 
so? Can the eclipse build utilise linux-sun-jdk1.42 and not require the 
older java technologies? If possible, how would I go about altering the 
appropriate make files in order to do this? Furthermore what are the the 
drawbacks in using the linux emulation layer with regards to java? If there 
is a better IDE available in teh ports collection I would greatly appreciate 
any advice you have in that regard also.

I am new to the FreeBSD and ports community and thank you for taking the 
time to read and reply to my email.


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