jdk14 patchset 4-pre1

Panagiotis Astithas past at netmode.ntua.gr
Thu Sep 11 00:41:45 PDT 2003

Alexey Zelkin wrote:

> hi,
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 12:57:24AM +0300, Panagiotis Astithas wrote:
>>Greg Lewis wrote:
>>>On Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 05:16:38PM +0300, Panagiotis Astithas wrote:
>>>>since I will be making a test build of the 4-pre1 patchset, I will grab 
>>>>the opportunity to ask about the Sun-provided SCSL security stuff.
>>>>When I get to the page to download the sources, besides the usual
>>>>j2sdk-1_4_1-src-scsl.zip, I can download another file, called 
>>>>j2sdk-sec-1_4_1-src-scsl.zip. The latter contains cryptographic code, 
>>>>but I am puzzled about its purpose. For all I can say, this contains 
>>>>source code for classes that are built with the port anyway, but perhaps 
>>>>this other bundle has some benefits, such as stronger encryption? If 
>>>>this is so, how could we include it in the build? The bundle contains 
>>>>only java files, plus a Windows C file, that I believe we can ignore. 
>>>>Also, will the final binary release of 1.4.1 contain these cryptography 
>>>>extensions, or the current ones?
>>>As I understand it, these are the source files for the bundled
>>>crytographic JARs, in case you want to compile them yourself.  I don't
>>>believe the source code provides anything the bundled versions don't.
>>Correct me if I'm wrong, but the standard bundle seems to contain only 
>>stub classes, while the security bundle contains concrete 
>>implementations. For instance, I look for Cipher.java in the standard 
>>bundle and I can find it under a directory blah/stub/blah, containing a 
>>comment on top about export restrictions and such. Am I missing 
>>something here?
>>Of course, then I have the question how the heck my secure web 
>>application is working all this time :-)
> I hit this issue some time ago too :-)
> Actually, due to export restrictions, crypto stuff is distributed by
> compiled JAR, and in sources only stubs to allow crypto related stuff
> be compiled.  After build complete, JAR with stubs is simply replaced
> with real one, IIRC.

Ah, thanks. I was beginning to believe I was smoking something...
(and feared that I had run out of it)
Panagiotis Astithas
Electrical & Computer Engineer, PhD
Network Management Center
National Technical University of Athens, Greece

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