
James Adams james at gamepub.com
Thu Oct 2 02:55:03 PDT 2003


I saw a post of yours on the Java on FreeBSD mailing list back in August.
I'm trying to get Java + SSL working on native Java 1.4.1 port, for JBoss/Jetty.

I replaced the cacerts file as you mention below, but I'm still having trouble with it.  It just seems to hang when trying to do anything involving ssl, including using keytool.

Did you ever get SSL working on FreeBSD with the native Java 1.4.1 port?

Any help will be much appreciated



>I'm trying out my hand on Java+SSL, and have discovered that:
>    /usr/local/jdk1.4.1/jre/lib/security/cacerts
>is only 32 bytes long. This can't be correct; shouldn't it have the CA
>for people like Verisign and Thawte? I substituted it with one I got off
>a Windows box (which was about 11k big), and that seemed to work fine.
>Is this a packaging bug? Or some deliberate thing I don't know about?
>Jonathan Chen <jonc at chen.org.nz>

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