jail related inconsistencies in FreeBSD tools parameters

James Gritton jamie at freebsd.org
Sat Jun 23 15:50:10 UTC 2018

On 2018-06-23 09:45, Eitan Adler wrote:
> On 23 June 2018 at 08:30, James Gritton <jamie at freebsd.org> wrote:
>> On 2018-06-22 16:03, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
>>> Chris H wrote on 2018/06/22 23:46:
>>>> On Fri, 22 Jun 2018 23:13:17 +0200 "Miroslav Lachman" 
>>>> <000.fbsd at quip.cz>
>>>> said
>>>>> I don't know if it is better to discuss it in jail@ or stable@ list 
>>>>> so a
>>>>> do cross-post.
>>>>> FreeBSD has many jail aware utilities but they are inconsistent in
>>>>> taking JID as parameter.
>>>>> For example "sockstat" takes -j JID "Show only sockets belonging to 
>>>>> the
>>>>> specified jail ID" and it means numeric ID only.
>>>>> On the other hand "ps" takes -J JID "This may be either the jid or 
>>>>> name
>>>>> of the jail.  Use -J 0 to display only host processes."
>>>>> The same apply for "top", it understands jid as a number or name of 
>>>>> the
>>>>> jail too.
>>>>> Then again "cpuset" takes only numerical ID of the jail...
>>>>> Shouldn't it be consistent across all FreeBSD base utilities so all 
>>>>> of
>>>>> them can use numerical ID and name?
>>>> Good idea! Are you offering to create a patch? ;-)
>>>> It'd be my guess that given they weren't all created at the same 
>>>> time,
>>>> nor
>>>> the same individual; that (quite probably?) the "jail" additions 
>>>> were
>>>> also
>>>> added at different times, and by different people. So I'd imagine 
>>>> that
>>>> unless someone with a commit bit decides one day they'd like to take 
>>>> that
>>>> on. Someone(tm) maybe you? will need to propose a patch. :-)
>>> If I can understand C sources I will create the patch by myself
>>> instead of just posting here. Unfortunately I am able to code in sh,
>>> php and a bit of javascript and perl but no C. :)
>>> Miroslav Lachman
>> Sure, a PR would be handy for this - it's a pretty simple thing to 
>> add, and
>> consistency would indeed be a good move.
> Agreed. I'll review and commit such patches. I'd like to see a single
> function for taking a "id or name". Ideally it would live in a
> library, perhaps libjail?

It already lives there: jail_getid(3)

- Jamie

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