jail(8) vs. rc.d/jail features - fstab, zfs, vnet

Dirk Engling erdgeist at erdgeist.org
Mon May 13 19:13:19 UTC 2013

On 14.04.13 17:24, Jamie Gritton wrote:

> line, which is inelegant to say the least. What I need is a $jid to be
> set even when it isn't specified in the config, which is a little
> complicated but doable if I just get down to it.

After stabbing around in the code for a while I found that parameter
substitution happens so early that for non-jid bound jails this
parameter will not be set until much later with the create_jail call and
thus would need special handling in load_config. Code for substituting
just the $jid variable would need to be duplicated from load_config and
reapplied just in case the jid was not set.

Still I agree, it's the much nicer approach, if it works.

> Proceed away :-).

The easy things like adding a zfs dataset parameter and the postcreate
command can be found here:




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