Re: IPv4 addresses clash / jails not working after reboot…

Yoann Gini yoann.gini at
Fri Mar 8 07:33:26 UTC 2013

Hi Jamie,

Le 8 mars 2013 à 00:22, Jamie Gritton <jamie at> a écrit :

> You're allowed to have the same address in multiple jails, but only in
> the case of jails that have one address (i.e. one IPv4 address in this
> case). Jails with multiple IP addresses can't share any of those
> addresses with other jails. I don't know why it should work once and
> then not work later though.
> The jail config you show has only a single jail, so I also wonder what
> it's clashing with - a clash is defined as the same IP address between
> two different jails. Are there other jail configs you didn't show?

OK! That’s the point, I’ve shown only one of the config because all other are of the same kind, I’ve write about it before, sorry if I was not clear.

So when using multiple IP for jails, you can’t share one… That weird… But that’s the answer of my problems, I need to use NAT to solve that I imagine.

> Also, there's a chance a jail has been removed but is not yet gone
> (though I wouldn't expected that case in a reboot situation). Could you
> run "jls -dn" immediately after the failed jail start, and tell any
> output it gives?

Here the output :

devfs_ruleset=0 nodying enforce_statfs=2 host=new ip4=new ip6=new jid=2 linux=new name=2 parent=0 path=/home/jails/ nopersist securelevel=-1 allow.nochflags allow.nomount allow.mount.nodevfs allow.mount.nonullfs allow.mount.noprocfs allow.mount.nozfs allow.noquotas allow.raw_sockets allow.set_hostname allow.nosocket_af allow.sysvipc children.cur=0 children.max=0 host.domainname="" host.hostid=0 host.hostuuid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ip4.addr=SharedIPv4, ip4.saddrsel ip6.addr=IPv6Prefix::80 ip6.saddrsel linux.osname=Linux linux.osrelease=2.6.16 linux.oss_version=198144

And here is the jails list :

STA JID  IP              Hostname                       Root Directory
--- ---- --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------
DS  N/A  IPv6Prefix::2220   /home/jails/
    N/A  SharedIPv4
DR  2    IPv6Prefix::80      /home/jails/
    2    SharedIPv4

I’ve remove the gateway one to move VPN services on the host, what I read about VPN on a jails seems too much complicated.

Thanks for your help !!

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