state of the art ?

zulu zulu at
Thu Apr 25 10:01:31 UTC 2013

No patches are mentioned in the README, there was a simple change
required for  /etc/rc.d/devfs on 9.0 which is not needed anymore with
9.1. The rest of the optional changes (not required) are related to
VNET and ZFS management inside the jail - if needed..

VNET is not officially production ready, this is relative though, as
some folks are already using it in production environments. To use ZFS
and Jails (or even VNET) you will need to become an expert to some
degree anyway :).




On Thursday, 25-04-2013 on 21:11 Laurent Alebarde wrote:

 Thanks very much zulu. It looks great but there are very few
downloads and reading the README, it requires some patches. So I won't
take the risk to put it in production. If I was an expert, I think I
would give it a try, but I am not and I cannot. 

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