Multiple interfaces

Peter Ankerstål peter at
Mon Jan 10 15:48:14 UTC 2011

On 01/10/11 16:45, Stefan Bethke wrote:
> Am 10.01.2011 um 15:28 schrieb Peter Ankerstål:
>> I want access to a public and a private network from a jail.
>> Can I configure a jail with multiple interfaces?
> Yes, see rc.conf(5):
>       jail_<jname>_ip
>                   (str) Unset by default.  Set to the (primary) IPv4 and/or
>                   IPv6 address(es) assigned to the jail.  The argument can be a
>                   sole address or a comma separated list of addresses.  Addi-
>                   tionally each address can be prefixed by the name of an
>                   interface followed by a pipe to overwrite
>                   jail_<jname>_interface or jail_interface and/or suffixed by a
>                   netmask, prefixlen or prefix.  In case no netmask, prefixlen
>                   or prefix is given, `/32' will be used for IPv4 and `/128'
>                   will be used for an IPv6 address.  If no address is given for
>                   the jail then the jail will be started with no networking
>                   support.
> Assuming that the private and the public networks are attached to em0 and em1, respectively, you'd set
>   jail_myjail_ip="em0|,em1|"
> in rc.conf.
> Stefan
Oh, thanks!

Sorry about that. But the "pipe" part is very hard to miss in the manual.

Thanks again!

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