Understand the internals of FreeBSD

Marco Steinbach coco at executive-computing.de
Sun Oct 25 04:11:15 UTC 2009

Tommy Pham schrieb:
> Hi everyone,
> What do you all recommend for a better understanding of the FreeBSD's internals & jail system?  Should I review C, C++ or both before reading the source code?  It's been over a decade since I code in C/C++ and that was in college doing old school structured programming languages. :D

"The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System" (ISBN 
978-0201702453) was a good starting point for me.

As for understanding the internals of the jail mechanism in detail, you 
will need to familiarize yourself with at least parts of the source of 
the system.  The man pages (apropos jail) will provide some entry points.

There is an introductory paper written by Poul-Henning Kamp and Robert 
N.M. Watson available at http://phk.freebsd.dk/pubs/sane2000-jail.pdf, 
which might help you getting started.

Other documents at http://phk.freebsd.dk/pubs/ might be of interest, also.

MfG CoCo

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