Debugging jails in dying state

James Gritton jamie at
Wed Nov 2 14:16:13 UTC 2016

On 2016-11-02 06:45, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> Is there a way to debug/trace what a jail is doing in dying state.
> I have a couple of jails that takes very long in dying state even after 
> all
> processes and tcp connections are dead.
> I can't find a way to figure what it is waiting for.
> Any clue?
> By very long I mean up to 20min!

A dead prison has a nonzero pr_ref (and a zero pr_uref), so that's what 
you want to keep an eye on.  The functions to change that field are 
prison_hold[_locked] and prison_free[_locked].  If you're actually 
running a kernel debugger (which I've never done outside of a crash 
dump), you should be able to catch a stack trace on prison_free to see 
who's finally letting the last reference go.

It turns out that there are very few places that call these functions on 
anything besides prison0 (and nothing outside of kern_jail.c twiddles 
the field directly): moving interfaces around between vimage jails, 
setting up a zfs zone, and in crcopy/crfree.

Its that last one that you'll need to trace, because of course creds are 
everywhere and anything that holds on to a jail until some future point 
is doing that by holding on to a cred.  So the good news is that you can 
use whatever tools you already have in your possession to trace creds.  
And the bad news is that creds are everywhere :-).

Aside from TCP connections, NFS seems to be a common dying jail timeout. 
  And perhaps ZFS - I don't recall.

- Jamie

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