SNMP - Hair Pulling Error :)

Tony Holmes tony at
Thu Sep 4 00:48:38 UTC 2008

After a slow start and a couple private conversations (THANKS!)
I have gotten net-snmpd compiled, configured, running.

I ran into an error and went to the simplest config I could and still
get the "No Such Instance currently exists at this OID" error.


	FreeBSD 4.10 		cannot upgrade
	net-snmp-5.1.1_1   	yes, old
	ipfw with counter rules installed 100 - 520ish


	rocommunity     public
	syslocation here
	syscontact me
	pass . /root/bytecount 100 .



	echo "$2"
	echo "integer"
	/bin/expr `ipfw -a list $1 | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }'` % 4294967295

Run bytecount test (pulled from snmp debug):

	# /root/bytecount 100 . -g .

Run the snmpget:

	# snmpget -v 2c -c public localhost .
	SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3027.1 = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID

The net-snmp shows the call being made. According to the docs I have the
format right for the output of /root/bytecount.

Googling lead me to this simple config and still I get the error and now
sit stumped.

Leads? Urls?


Tony Holmes

Ph: (416) 993-1219

Founder and Senior Systems Architect
Crosswinds Internet Communications Inc.

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