, join me for my VIP Virtual Book Tour

John Assaraf john at OneCoach.com
Tue Nov 13 09:09:24 PST 2007

You are personally invited to join me Tuesday, 11/13 at 5 p.m.
PST as I kick-off my first ever VIP Virtual Book Tour
Teleseminar for "Having It All: Achieving Life's Goals and

Dear ,
Here's what I'll cover in this fast-paced f-r-e-e teleseminar:
HOW YOUR BRAIN REALLY WORKS and why you don't do the things you
know you should to achieve your goals.

THE 3 LAWS OF EARNING MONEY ~ What is money, really, and what
are the laws of earning money? This happens to be one of my
favorite topics because money is easy to come by if you do a few
things right, and it will forever elude you if you do a few
things wrong.

7 POWER FACTORS OF SUCCESS ~ There are 7 Power Factors all
successful people have in common and I devote an entire chapter
to them in Having It All. You'll get an overview here so you
know what they are.

Learn and master these foundations and you'll be on YOUR way to
having it all, and achieving your life's goals and dreams on
purpose, with joy and a sense of fulfillment.



KEY POINT: Please do NOT forward this message to any of your
friends or colleagues because it is only meant for people on my
own subscriber list.
(Your confidence is much appreciated)
My last free call max'd out 1,100 lines within 2 hours of the
message going out...

IMPORTANT: Achieving your life's goals and dreams is easier than
most people think, once you know how your powerful brain works
and The Laws of Earning Money.

Use the VIP link below to join me on my first ever Virtual Book
Tour Teleseminar now:


I'll Listen For You,

John Assaraf
Author, Having It All: Achieving Your Life's Goals and Dreams
CEO & Founder, OneCoach™

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