[OT] Domain Name Registrars

Duane Whitty duane at greenmeadow.ca
Sat May 20 01:21:53 UTC 2006

Duane Whitty wrote:
> Hello to everyone,
> Would anyone care to recommend a good domain name registrar,
> able to offer service for both gTLDs and .ca ccTLDs.
> I've tried cheap and to be honest my headache just keeps growing.
> After having setup FreeBSD, DNS, Sendmail, and Apache,  I thought
> I had the hard stuff taken care of.  I guess I was wrong.
> All I want to do is have my registrar point the name server entries for
> a .com domain I'm managing at the name servers I'm running.  Why is this
> so difficult?  Or expensive?
> Is it my fault?  Am I doing something wrong?  -- I know, kinda hard to 
> answer that.
> My registrar told me my name server needs to be registered with 
> ICANN.  I've read
> as much as I could find about ICANN's mandate and policies on their 
> website
> http://www.icann.org but I couldn't find anything which indicated I 
> had to register
> anything with them unless I intended on becoming an ICANN certified 
> registrar.
> It seems odd in any event that I would need to register my name 
> server, which is in the .ca
> domain, with ICANN.  Obviously I had to register with CIRA but that 
> seems irrelevant
> to my current situation / vexation.
> If I do somehow need to register my name server with ICANN would 
> someone be so kind
> as to point me to the correct RTFM entry, URI, etc.
> Thanks in advance,
> Duane Whitty
Hello again, everyone

Thank you for your responses.

Yeah, my registrar is on crack as far as I'm concerned and I think a lot 
of other registrars,
if not most of them, are just as bad.

I wish there was a way to tell the root servers about my name server 
without even needing
to go through the registrars

For the record, the registrar is Netfirms.  Beware of Netfirms.  I just 
understand what the issue is.  Maybe they thought I'd roll over and give 
them all
my DNS, email, and web hosting business once they made it impossible for me
to run my own DNS.  If so, they thought wrong.  And ICANN will definitely be
hearing from me.

What I don't understand is why they bother with this policy.  Isn't it 
just easier to sell
a domain name and tell the customer to email you or fill out your web 
form with their
name server information.  I know that is exactly how it use to be done, 
except you only
only dealt with one organization.  Then charge a customer if they want 
extra stuff.  Then
if they want enough extra features start making packages with incentives.

And even when you know you may have this problem and ask about it 
directly it's like
pulling teeth trying to get a straight answer.  I've basically come to 
the conclusion that
anything other than an immediate "Yes, name servers are your 
responsibilty.  Tell us
the name of your name servers and the IP addresses.  If you want us to 
run your DNS it
costs this much $X extra".

Well, whiners are irritating and I'm starting to irritate myself. So 
enough of my noise.
Thanks a lot for the suggestions and clarifications.

Most Respectfully,

Duane Whitty
duane at greenmeadow.ca

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