How do you printed loaded Apache modules?

rave joi ravejoi at
Tue May 16 04:57:49 UTC 2006

Hello there,

(Apologies if this has been covered in this list, the search feature
of the archives wasn't working so well when I tried it a few minutes

I am a customer of an ISP that uses FreeBSD as their OS.  (Coming from
Linux, I'm having fun with it!).

This might be more of an Apache question than a FreeBSD one, but I'm
trying to list the modules Apache has on this machine.

So far I have tried:

- httpd -t -D DUMP_MODULES
-  httpd -M

I get "permission denied" with both of those. I can totally understand
locking stuff down, I am a sys-admin myself.  Do you guys have any
Apache-related tools to recommend, that are generally accessible by
non-root users, to learn an environment.

no advice too harsh

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