Delete/rm/unlink traversal order and chflags - does it make sense to reverse it?

Mitch (Bitblock) mitch at
Tue Feb 1 23:41:43 PST 2005

Not sure if this is the right place, but thought perhaps the people who
share my problem would at least be here ;-)

I've been thinking of ways to save users from themselves.


chflags sunlnk .ImportantUserData

is great for saving themselves from Samba - Samba doesn't descend a
directory to delete the contents if there is not access to delete the

The shell though, will happily delete the contents of a folder, leaving the
skeleton intact.

Is there a way to change the shell / unlink function behavior? This is out
of my league in C coding, but on the surface, the samba way seems to make
more sense.

If a "rm -rf /" was stopped before it got started would it be a bad thing?

Maybe the key would just be the rm program itself?

Just thought I'd see if anyone had comment or a better way.



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