It's done!

Scott St. John ssj at
Sun Mar 7 17:33:37 PST 2004

On Sun, 07 Mar 2004 17:33:43 -0600, W. D. wrote
> Congratulations, Scott!
> You wouldn't happen to have compiled a cheatsheet so others
> could follow your lead, have you?

As a matter of fact I did, all my notes are in one of those spiral binders,
but I will work on putting the docs together.  Most of it is confidence that
it will work.  When I first cut my teeth on BSDi I was used to things just
working - when I moved to Linux, well things did not work the way I was used
to and I learned to compensate.  I had to undo that thinking and get used to
things working again.  Make sense?

I am sure I will have a lot of questions as I re-learn, but it is truly a
wonderful feeling!  I'll let you know about the docs.


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